P02-2022 Soci Articolo Il Sole 24 Ore 3-2-2022
P03-2022 Soci Pensioni
P07-2022 Smart working
P09-2022 Survey CCNL 2022
P11-2022 Soci CCNL
P15-2022 ANIA rinnovo CCNL
P17-2022 Survey CCNL 2022
P19-2022 Soci – ANIA
P20-2022 Soci – Convenzioni
P22-2022 Smart Working
P29-2022 ANDIA Channel
P30-2022 Soci Parità
P38-2022 Soci – Repêchage
P39-2022 SIRIP
P43-2022 Soci – Licenziamenti + Articolo Il Sole 24
We are building for tomorrow because tomorrow is the future and we want to make a contribution to the wonderful digital age that is awaiting us.